A puzzle game where you need to protect Goby the dungeon master from adventurers trying to breach into the boss Room

Help him in his quest to be a great dungeon master like his father!

Make evil adventurers loose their way in the dungeon!

You juste need to use your power as the dungeon itself!

Here is a quick control overview:

- Left click and drag and drop a tile from the UI to the map to change the dungeon

- Right click with a tile in hand to rotate it

- ZQSD To navigate in the scene

- Mouse scroll to zoom or unzoom

-> We are two French students who happily submited their second GMTK game jam game. Don't hesitate to give us feedback!

-> Here is a quick list of things we wanted to add with more time and less bug to fix ^^

- Money system where we could place traps/monster/monster camps on the map and upgrade them

- Trait systems for different type of adventurers (better pathfinding, more health, disable a few traps ...)

- Some funny line for Goby to say when he is working on top secret things in his Boss room for when Adventurers will come challenge his dungeon

- Endless mode

And more ...

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